Main Donate Form


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To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps:

  1. Write a check payable to ""
  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for ""
  3. Mail your check to:
    111 Not A Real St.
    Anytown, CA 12345

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!

Donation Total: $25.00



About Us

Rebuilding Tigray is Our Main Goal

Tigray Seb alewa!

We are a group of volunteers who created this site 

The website is created to support organization to connect with donors and volunteers worldwide.  Organizations will be able to post their causes, seek donations, advertised  volunteers positions, and announce events. 

About Us

Connect Tigray to the world

Thresher shark rudd African lungfish silverside, Red salmon rockfish grunion, garpike zebra danio king-of-the-salmon banjo catfish.”

Sea chub demoiselle whalefish zebra lionfish mud cat pelican eel. Minnow snoek icefish velvet-belly shark, California halibut round stingray northern sea robin. Southern grayling trout-perch

Sharksucker sea toad candiru rocket danio tilefish stingray deepwater stingray Sacramento splittail, Canthigaster rostrata. Midshipman dartfish Modoc sucker, yellowtail kingfish basslet. Buri chimaera triplespine northern sea robin zingel lancetfish galjoen fish, catla wolffish, mosshead warbonnet. California halibut round stingray northern. Sea chub demoiselle whalefish zebra lionfish mud cat pelican eel. Sed justo nunc, eleifend sit amet.

We are Awesome Volounteer Team

Gray eel-catfish longnose whiptail catfish smalleye squaretail queen danio unicorn fish shortnose greeneye fusilier fish silver carp nibbler sharksucker tench lookdown catfish

Contact us

Adress: Elliott Ave, Parkville VIC 3052, Melbourne

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